Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Grandma C. and Dreams

So my grandma passed away in the beginning of September and I have had a really hard time processing everything. Its hard to think that she will be gone forever and then a lot of ................ stuff happened after she died.

To give you a sneak peak into the situation, there are two wills that are just hanging around. Of course I think that one will has precedence over the other will. Since the second will basically says that my grandma didn't really care about her only son and that she cared more for her siblings(Can you guess who drafted the second will yet?) who rarely saw her over her own grandchildren. This is a real question, "How many wills out there move belongings laterally instead of down the family tree? So that the ring you got from your Husband would go to a great-niece, who is not at all related to your husband and probably never knew him, instead of one of your grand-daughters." Lots more drama is mixed in but I'll try not to rant too much.

OK, so the title of this post is called Grandma C. and Dreams. The reason is that every night I have been having dreams that won't stop. Everything following is from those dreams unless it is marked by ( ).

The theme in the dreams is that these other people(2 of the 3 are basically strangers to me) keep telling me that my grandma didn't love me. In fact in the dreams they are telling me she hated me. That she didn't want me to have anything that belonged to her. In many of the dreams I am kicked out of my grandma's house, told that I don't belong there.

When I do go in the house, everything that was important to my grandma has been sold or thrown away, because these strangers don't really care about the things she cared about. Every time they are telling me that there is no reason that I should receive anything from my grandma. (It really hurts because the one person I thought I knew and I thought had a heart that cared about me apparently does not)

In my dreams I see my grandma and she comes to take me away from them and everything that is going on but I can't get to her and can't hear her. As the dreamer I know she is telling me that they are lying, but as the person in the dream I can't understand what she is saying.

These dreams really unnerve me. People keep telling to just focus on the good times I spent with my grandma. I try, I really do but everything that is going on is making me feel so up and down. My up reaches as high as being able to focus on school but my down is really really low. Where I get physically sick.

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