Wednesday, October 24, 2012


   So right now, I am being very lazy and am just using the compose tab instead of the html tab. I like using the html tab though because I have a lot more control. Anyway, I'm really stressed right now.
    With everything going on its just hard. I'm trying to concentrate and stay on top of my homework at school but its not easy. I had a quiz today that I totally bombed because I did something really dumb. I read the first forty pages of the wrong book. I am just trying to tell myself that its ok cause I cant change it now.
     The thing causing the most amount of stress for me right now is everything happening at home. I had another dream with my grandma in it last night. This was after I cried myself to sleep. It was weird. We were at a hotel with my brother Johnny. My grandma started to leave me. I told her to wait I just had to finish packing some stuff but she didn't. She just left.
     I started to try something last night. Every time I feel really hurt or I think very poorly of someone (justifiable or not), I say a pray for them. Something I really have a hard time doing is taking the focus off of me/what is happening around me and putting it on God. I know that He will always and forever be there for me. Even if others are not.
    With classes and with all the stuff happening at home, I just don't feel like doing anything outside of class. My room right now is a disaster zone and I have to catch up on a lot of homework. I keep telling myself to keep on going but I don't know how long that is going to last.

P.S. Random Question, I realized that the time stamp on my blog is not the time in my time zone. Is there a way to change that. Or is it stuck forever. Currently it is 2:22 pm.

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